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By Daniel Horrobin

In some of the most popular areas of the country, even the slightest factor could make a difference to buyers when they go in search of houses for sale. This is where kerb appeal really counts – it’s ultimately what will attract a buyer and encourage them to take a further look at what your home has to offer.

Get it wrong and you could find your property is on the market for longer than necessary.


Appearances matter when it comes to choosing real estate. Although there are undoubtedly many other factors to consider, such as location and access to work and schools, first impressions do count for something.

Attractive real estate is perhaps more likely to entice passing buyers than that which hasn’t been well-presented ahead of a sale. Whether you’re hosting an open inspection or welcoming prospective buyers on an ad hoc basis, there are obvious benefits to ensuring your home is shown in its best possible light.


It doesn’t matter how good a property looks, it’s only going to sell if it ticks various other boxes as well. There is an abundance of real estate in Australia & New Zealand for people to choose from, so it’s crucial that yours not only looks the part, but offers plenty more at the same time.

A home might be fundamentally good, even though it hasn’t been preened and refurbished ahead of a sale. This is often the case when the furnishings and colour schemes are especially outdated, although these can easily be revised at a later stage.

If you are hosting an open inspection, or showing would-be buyers around your home, then spend time discussing the benefits of living in your particular area. Good transport links and a strong feeling of local community are perhaps just as likely to sway their opinion as making sure your lawn is mown and the windows cleaned.


An experienced real estate agent will be able to offer some guidance on how best to present your home when it goes on the market. They might not give you design inspiration, but they’ll certainly be aware of which features are likely to be a turn-off to prospective buyers.

It’s important to find experienced agents who can talk you through the process and ensure you’re well equipped to deal with current housing market conditions. This way, you can be safe in the knowledge your property is in good hands, regardless of how much or little kerb appeal it might have.

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